Friday, May 9, 2008

Cold sore

The one damn thing that always kept popping into my head when people talked about fears of labor isn't the pain and suffering of giving birth or even emergencies that may come up. For me it was having a cold sore. Sounds silly at first but I've heard that babies can catch them and end up with chronic open sores all over their skin. I need to actually research that better but I've been worried that I'll get a cold sore, possibly just from the stress of a labor, and not be able to kiss my baby for 7-14 days. I'd also have to be incredibly diligent about washing my hands, not touching my face, etc. What if I screwed up and kissed him without thinking or felt like maybe I didn't wash my hands enough? It would suck. I'm not saying that I'm never going to have a cold sore again but I'd really prefer not to have to deal with that in the first week (or two, or three).

So what showed up on my lip today? Yup, a cold sore.

Maybe this is good though. I rarely get them back-to-back (though it has happened) so now I've got about 14 days to deal with this one and may be less likely to get another one right away. So, ok, I can deal with this... it still annoys me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just catching up here...
My mom has told me at least 1000 times that she never got a cold sore until she became pregant with me. It's one of my biggest fears. Lucky for you, it'll be gone long before the baby comes. :)