Friday, October 19, 2007

Happy fetus day!

At 9 weeks today we have officially moved from embryo to fetus!

We need to make a decision about whether or not we're going to use the doppler at our next appointment to hear the baby's heartbeat. It would be nice to actually get confirmation that there really is a baby in there but I suppose the odds are pretty good that it is.

Our dilemma - dopplers are a type of ultrasound and ultrasounds might be bad. Okay, so the studies are really preliminary but we wouldn't be listening to the heartbeat for any reason other than curiosity. Even if the odds of it being damaging are one in a billion, is curiosity really a good reason to possibly put our little fetus at risk? Hmmm.... yet I'm still tempted because it would be awfully nice to hear a heartbeat and it would only be like 2 seconds. I mean, we're not talking about hours of ultrasound exposure. I'm sure the kid is in more danger every time that I get in the car.

So here's the big scary article that makes me worry about ultrasounds:

Obviously written from a very biased perspective but at least all of the studies are cited at the bottom so it is a good jumping-off point for looking at all different studies on ultrasound.

And another one from the same site and just as biased:

My morning sickness has been more-or-less gone for the last week. That had actually worried me a bit so our midwife offered to do a quantitative HCG test to make sure we're still in the right range for a normal pregnancy. I did get sick again the following night though so I think I'm fine, just lucky to have such light nausea!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Morning sickness sucks

Well, I almost made it to 8 weeks without actually vomiting...

I've been surprised that the morning sickness seems to go through different stages of totally different types of nausea - just to keep things interesting I guess.

At first (starting around 6 weeks), I felt really motion sick all the time. Kind of dizzy and yucky but not the type of feeling that would actually cause me to "get sick". Then, by about 7 weeks, I had that plus aversions. I'd think of something - like my vitamins, or certain foods - and just the thought of them would make me gag (just re-reading that sentence is doing it). Still, it was more like when you swallow a pill that kind of makes you choke. I still didn't really feel like I was actually in danger of losing my lunch.

Yesterday though - ahh, we have a whole new and exciting type of morning sickness. I get up, get into the shower and proceed to actually get sick. Well, as best my body can manage in its pre-breakfast state. Once I eat, I seem to go back to my sea-sick plus specific aversions. I'm wondering if it is only a matter of time for that too though.

Occasionally, maybe 1 day per week, I actually get a day off. I'll feel perfectly normal for just about the whole day. It is so weird because part of me wants to analyze everything to try to figure out what could have possibly triggered the good day so that I can repeat it. Then, of course, part of me worries that it is a bad sign and I'm about to have a miscarriage because I suddenly don't feel like crap.

I'm at 7 weeks, 5 days today. I think I read somewhere that morning sickness might peak around 8-9 weeks... who knows, maybe that is just wishful thinking though. Honestly, if it doesn't get any worse than this, I'm sure that I have it better than most women. For some reason no matter how often I repeat that though, it doesn't seem to help me to feel any less crappy.

Each time that thought creeps into my head that I've only gone through less than 2 weeks of this and I very likely have at least 4 more weeks to go, it makes me want to cry. I'm sure the time will pass and someday I might even forget how crappy I feel now and actually want to do this again. I know that is how it all works. I'm really looking forward to looking back at this and saying, "It really wasn't that bad."