Wednesday, February 21, 2007


It was almost love-at-first-sight. I knew VERY early on that Erin was "the one". We were absolutely perfect together. But then...

About a week after Erin and I met, the topic of kids came up. She said that she didn't plan on having any. I told her that we probably shouldn't date anymore because having kids was absolutely non-negotiable in my mind. I have ALWAYS known that I would have kids. In fact, that was one of my biggest concerns about coming to terms with being a lesbian - could I still be a mom?

So, Erin and I talked ... and talked and talked. It was so early in our relationship that it really seemed like walking away would be the best thing for both of us. The trouble was that we both knew that we had found something great in each other.

Erin assured me that it wasn't that clear-cut. Maybe there was room for kids in her life. Regardless, she was absolutely not ready to give up on our relationship.

My own parents are divorced and I have seen many seemingly-happy relationships crumble over time. On one hand, I was sure that a relationship divided over such a huge issue could never work. If I were giving advice to a friend in my position, I'd tell them to run and not look back. Yet, on the other hand, there was something there that was just too good to let go of.

So, on the 1-year anniversary of our first date, I proposed. We were married in MA a few months later and got a civil union in Vermont (currently, our home state) a year after that. In a few weeks, we'll hit the 4-year anniversary of the day that we met.

I work from home on an e-commerce business. Erin helps with that when she's not busy with school stuff. We are ALWAYS together, we've probably spent more time together in the past 4 years than most couples do in 12 years... and we're really happy.

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