Thursday, September 20, 2007

4wks 6 days, only 246 days to go

Okay, another ticker - I like the little updates about what is going on.


No morning sickness yet but their site says most women start to feel sick around the 6th week. Ahh, something to look forward to. I've been hungry all the time! I feel like I'm going to gain a million pounds.

Oddly though, I went to the Dr. to get my "official" pregnancy test (since the Ob/Gyn refused to see me until I had a "professional test") and they said I'd lost a pound since my last appointment. I feel like I've gained 10! My pants don't even fit anymore. I think maybe the weight is just moving so it is all around my belly or something. I can't possibly be "showing" yet but no matter how many times I tell that to my pants, they still won't button. Hmmm, very strange.


Anonymous said...

Hey, It's Stella (starlight_rose) from rainbow conceptions. First, congrats on the BFP!!! Second, Theresa was in maternity pants at 8 weeks!!! Do you have narrow hips? A lot of women with narrow hips show quickly because the baby and all your organs can only go out, they have no room to spread.
Hope you have as smooth of a pregnancy as we are having.

Lindsey said...

Thanks - I'm fairly petite (narrow) I think. I've been slowly losing that battle of the buldge lately though and I think this may just be the straw that broke the camel's back. Oh well, good excuse to go shopping! :)

Kyle said...

I like this ticker better than the other one. It's got pictures and stuff. Yay pictures and stuff.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Looks like this blog is in need of an update...considering the morning sickness, and all.