Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Well, our KD backed out... last minute. I have been counting down the days to start TTC for what feels like forever - I know it isn't but it was still heartbreaking to have a change in plans that causes more delay.

Anyway, we're moving on. We have picked out a bank and had "photo-matching" done with pictures of Erin. The response came back and it was pretty neat - the donor that we'd picked as our favorite was "absolutely by far the closest match in the whole catalog". The representative claimed that there was an absolutely striking resemblance. It is going to cost and arm and a leg but this seems to be the next step.

The donor that we picked is "willing to be known" so when the child turns 18, s/he can request his contact info. Sounds good. Not exactly what we'd wanted... well, I say that but I guess it is easy from my end. I always wanted the baby to be able to have a close relationship with the donor but I know Erin was kind of wary of that plan. She is the "other mother" and needs to have her relationship reinforced and affirmed. I understand her jealousy of a donor-baby relationship; like she is a "third-wheel" or something. This will be good.... and I'm sure in a few years, we'll look back on this and think that we couldn't possibly imagine life any other way.

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