Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy Thoughts

A quick list of happy thoughts -

  • Erin told me yesterday, "I think you've reached the cute part of pregnancy; you look like a cartoon". (I'm taking that in the best possible way.)

  • Erin put her head on my chest last night and read bedtime poems to Colby. She read the Jabberwoky (she promised he wouldn't understand it anyway), The Mad Gardener's Song, Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod - maybe some others (I was really tired). Colby played gently while she talked - I felt his little fingers and toes wiggling. I could feel Erin's words vibrate through my chest so I'm sure Colby could hear her too.

  • Today is exactly 30 weeks and I still feel great. I had another reflux "episode" a few nights ago (very bad - needed to change all the sheets, scrub the carpet, and empty the trash at 4am). We went out that day and bought bigger pillows though so now I'm back to sleeping great.

  • Colby is head-down already - yay! The midwife pressed on my belly to feel his position. Erin put her hands under the midwife's and as they jiggled my belly in one place and then another, the midwife said, "See how when we shake his bum, the whole body shakes, but when we shake his head, it just rocks back and forth". Erin was mildly grossed-out but I thought it was pretty cool.

As of the last midwife appointment, I'd gained 7 pounds in only 3 weeks - Yikes! I'm up to 25 lbs so far. Hmmm, only 10 weeks to go but I'd prefer not to continue gaining 2+ pounds per week. I did notice a huge change in my belly size too though so it seems our little guy had a growth spurt or something.

I mentioned my crazy "heartburn" to my midwife last week. She called it reflux and I realized that was a much more accurate word for describing it. She said that reflux that bad is really unusual so I guess I'm just weird. I haven't really had any of the very common daytime heartburn problems in a long time though so I think it is a fair trade.

A few 30-week pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey, I came over from RC and I've been reading your blog for a few months. I thought I'd delurk. Congratulations on getting to week 30!