Thursday, February 21, 2008

Two Trimesters in Review

Well, I'm almost 27 weeks, does that mean I'm in the third trimester? I think it does. Holy crap, we have SO MUCH WORK to do in the next 3 months. Our bedroom is only mostly sheetrocked (it was an addition on the house that we started years ago - it has been livable but I'm sure we're not going to have any MORE time once Colby is here).

So, actually, I said Colby above, I guess I've been so bad about blogging that I haven't even put up the ultrasound photo of our little guy... or mentioned that we've named him Colby... and that he's a HE.

That is sort of why I titled this post Two Trimesters in Review, because I have a lot of catching up to do.

I was thinking about how everything changes every day and you can't take anything for granted. I've learned that I'll just start to really dislike a pregnancy symptom only to have it be instantly gone and replaced by something twice as bad the next day. Sort of a "be careful what you wish for" kind of thing. Now, I just focus on how happy I am that whatever random annoyance I have now isn't worse.

Early on, all I felt was TIRED - sleep was like a drug that I craved 24/7. Forming that little lump of cells into something resembling a baby is obviously REALLY hard work.

For weeks 6-9, I was sick. The weirdest part though is that it wasn't even that simple (in just 3 weeks). It started off as a general "motion-sick" feeling where I just felt crappy all day long but not like I was actually going to "be sick". Then it turned very quickly into random explosions of illness but mostly feeling normal between those, and finally random aversions. Even just looking at the bottle of my multi-vitamins made me run for the sink/toilet.

I've had a few weird cravings - bagel with cream cheese and hamburger (the burger just stuck between the two halves of the cream-cheesy bagel - oh, and with ketchup too). I had a bagel with almond butter on it and then a side of fried clams. Those weren't actually in the same bite though, just on the same plate. The last one isn't so weird, I just happened to think it up recently - almond butter, with a bit of brownie mix swirled in and then I'd take one of those "real-fruit" coconut popsicles and dip it. I've been craving sugar lately like crazy. Actually, specifically chocolate most of the time. I've been trying SO HARD to eat healthy though so I usually only cave in at the end of the day and have a bit of ice cream, a popsicle, or a few chocolate chips. Overall, I think I've been doing OK. Every once in a while I'll go a little crazy (like with the almond butter, brownie mix, and coconut) and eat a large serving of desert.

The only negative symptom I've had during the second trimester has been heartburn. At first, the heartburn would come mostly during the day. Weird things would trigger it too - not the normal tomato sauce that I've always heard about. No, my worst was when I'd eat oatmeal and banana for breakfast. I don't even know how long that stuck around for but my daytime heartburn is mostly gone for now. (of course, I stopped eating oatmeal and banana for breakfast).

A few weeks ago though, I think my least favorite pregnancy symptom started up. I was fast asleep and woke up gasping, choking, and spitting because the contents of my stomach had, for some strange reason, decided to completely fill my mouth and nose. It wasn't that I was vomiting in my sleep, my stomach just leaked. I thought maybe it was just a fluke thing but after 3 nights of that I've started sleeping on a big wedge of pillows. That seems to have solved the problem. I now know how it is possible for someone to die if they pass out while drunk. It was horrible and terrifying to wake up feeling like you're drowning. At least this one was a fairly easy fix though.

So, six months down and I think those are my only complaints - not bad. I'm amazed every day at how relatively normal that I feel. It is so bizarre to think that I've gained almost 20 lbs and I really don't feel any different. If I were carrying around a bucket full of 2 and 1/2 gallons of water 24/7 I think I'd be dramatically more tired and sore. It really is just amazing how the female human body adjusts to everything during pregnancy with relative ease.

Sometime soon I'll post pics of the cloth diapers I've been sewing (that has been an adventure since I think the last thing I've sewed was in Home Ec. class in 6th grade) and maybe our big bedroom renovation project. I'm ridiculously proud of the diapers though since they've been particularly challenging for me.

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